Thursday, July 07, 2005

Before Ludwig IV learned his lesson...

This, from Duke Hans Aufamie, Munich 1840.
(…for all you Romeos holding your mamitas a little too tightly…)

Translation note: As those outside of donKay may not know, translating a piece like this from the 19th century original Bavarian parchment to one of our uniform files is a rather brutal process of bringing up to date.

Etymological note: This is the first recorded usage of the word, "numbskull."

"Damned jealousy! Oh, when was it that I was returned to a child's mind? And like a child I sat there, I kept my tears inside a numb-skull because it was I who had caused hers! So like a child, such sense of justice to withhold the impulse to commiserate with a misery oneself has created! It all started with a simple moment. I sat at my escritiore when Lela rushed into the room, exclaiming 'Oh Hanzi, I've just run into Matilde in the garden. What a glorious hour we spent among the heron-stalks and angel's-trumpets!'
I looked into her eyes- they shone. But not from my effect. "Oh, I replied. How glorious," and turned away. After all, I thought, the whole affair has nothing to do with me. Then, as if one of Newton's sonic shocks had caused a nearby vase to shatter, and as if that shattering had not only a sonic effect but also that of its shards entering my neck and back, Lela gave a scream and collapsed on the floor, crying. A squirt of vomit leapt into my mouth, my stomach began to move as if a mortar stone. I turned and witnessed her writhing there, in so much pain! "Why! Why!" she cried, "Why must you kill every joy that you yourself do not bring to me? Don't you know I am yours? Why don't you let me.... why!"

I dropped to my knees and gathered her thrashing body into my arms. I felt my stupid face above her, I felt my mouth hung open, unable to explain my actions. "I came in here just to tell you how happy I was, and you rebuke me!" She cried, driving the shards deeper. I said I'm sorry, my dumpkin, I feel as if there are two of me inside me, one a child, one an adult. And with you my dearest, so often the child wins out in the first instance, only later to be censured by my better half. Forgive me, I beg you! It will never happen again!"

As soon as I uttered that phrase her thrashing ceased. "Good," she said. She looked up at me, neutral. I stooped to kiss her and she allowed me, but didn't move her mouth. I embraced her fully and she stroked the back of my neck until things returned to normal and the child that hurts was hurt no longer."